May 3Liked by The Liberation Collective

i appreciate you so deeply for this, thank you <3

i hear you. on the decentering of men, and the missing (some of) the attention we got when our bodies and spirits were at their lowest points.

as a trans woman, whose recovery from addiction, disordered eating AND pretending i was a man have all co-incided over the last 5 years alongside a new chronic illness and hormonal treatments that have vastly changed my body size, shape and weight ... i miss people not doing a double take. i miss the ease that came with a body that was (mostly) easily classifiable. i miss meeting expectations. i miss being able to easily engage in that age-old pastime of shitting on my body and others' for the bonding that it brings.

i don't, of course. or at least ... not all of me does. not the grounded me, the centered me, the me that's standing in recovery and truth. but the me that wants the ease? who wants to be listened to as a person, not through a fat or trans filter? i miss that.

thank you, always, for the prompts and the honesty. here's to giving ourselves the love and attention, always. <3

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Jo.....thank you so much with sharing your experiences with us so openly and vulnerably and for giving us perspectives beyond our own to consider. Those last few questions "but the mean that want the ease? who wants to be listened to as a person, not through a fat or trans filter? I miss that." really get to the heart of the matter. Thank you and sending you love where you are in the world today.

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