May 11Liked by The Liberation Collective

I love how collectively we are all reflecting on how we engage with the internet / celebrity / socials. It’s like you took the words right out of my brain

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LOVE that we are all thinking about this more collectively. I want us all to just reclaim the fact that we are the consumers and we dictate how successful these celebrities/influencers are (or aren't)

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May 27Liked by The Liberation Collective

This was so needed and on point. Letting go of celebrity adoration (which for many of us can border on worship), frees us. The more I wake up, the more I realize how these unrealistic beauty standards are a lie. It's liberating. Thank you for this Sis. Great read. :)

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Sis I'm still working through the releasing of celebrity adoration, but the more and more I see there behavior, the easier it is for me. These celebrities don't care about us or our collective liberation. Thank you for the kind words!

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I feel like I can breathe a little better after reading this! Thank you Chrissy!

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Thank you for reading Jayne!

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